It is miraculous, but for the first time in recent history I am getting to enjoy a four day weekend before we have our last few days of school. The Dallas-Ft. Worth area has had some ice and snow in recent years and that has meant that usually we don't get our bad weather makeup days off (today is one of those days and we have if off!!!). While I recharge this weekend, I also decided to do some tasks that I've been putting off. One of those tasks was cleaning out my embarrassingly large inbox. While cleaning my inbox I found a gem that I had long forgotten about; it was an email that a parent sent me the day that I announced to my students that I was leaving my teaching position mid-year to be an assistant principal at the other high school in my district. Here is part of what she wrote:
I imagine the reason I never deleted this is because I hadn't printed it off to put in my "Pick-me-up Folder". Teachers and other educators who have been in the business a while know exactly what I am talking about. It's that folder of thank you notes, affirmations, certificates, awards, etc that you keep somewhere safe so that you can pull it out when things get challenging, because things will get challenging.
What do you have in your folder? If you can't remember, it may be a great time to revisit it. I didn't even know I needed a pick-me-up until I saw this and I'm pretty sure now that I'll make it through that one last lunch duty, those three school days, and that graduation ceremony.
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